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Melbourne Victoria based

DataSeek can provide LAN local area network wiring to required device points where required to avoid RF radiation

Onsite RF and EMF Safety Inspection Service

Onsite Inspections
Detailed results
Network wiring
Avoidance recommendations
Router relocation
Electrical wiring, R.E.C: 10096
Onsite Inspection Melbourne area
Time allowed 4 hours inclusive of travel
Email us with details required for onsite visit.

EMFs and Radiofrequency radiation
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) encompass the radiation energy emitted from all electrical sources, including both power frequency EMFs (such as mains electricity) and radio frequency (RF) EMFs used in wireless communication systems. These fields can originate from electrical wiring or from devices like mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, and broadcasting antennas.

EMFs and the human body
Electrical and wireless communication sources emit magnetic fields and pulse signals that have the potential to interfere with the body's natural electrochemical and electrical signaling systems. This interference has been linked to a variety of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, memory loss, concentration issues, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Prolonged exposure may also contribute to more severe conditions, such as immune system disruption or hearing impairment.

Electric fields and Magnetic Fields
In the realm of EMFs, it''s critical to distinguish between electric and magnetic fields, both of which arise from electric charges. Electric fields are generated by voltage alone, whether or not current is flowing. Magnetic fields, on the other hand, are produced by the movement of electric current, independent of the voltage. Radiofrequency (RF) EMFs represent a combined interaction of electric and magnetic fields, propagating as electromagnetic radiation, which is common in wireless communication systems.

Powerfrequency ("Electrical") and Radiofrequency ("Wireless") EMFs
Power frequency EMFs, or Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) fields, primarily come from sources such as electrical wiring and household appliances. In contrast, radiofrequency EMFs are generated by telecommunications devices, including mobile phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, and antennas used for broadcasting. RF EMFs are significantly higher in frequency compared to ELF EMFs and are primarily associated with wireless communication technologies.

Powerfrequency (scientifically referred to as "Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)") EMFs and Radiofrequency EMFs.
DataSeek detection Services can detect both powerfrequency and radiofrequency EMFs.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum covers the full range of electromagnetic radiation, from extremely low frequency (ELF) fields generated by electrical equipment to higher frequency fields like radio waves from communication devices. It also includes visible light, microwave radiation, and X-rays. Understanding the interaction between different frequencies within this spectrum is key to optimizing both communication systems and mitigating any potential health impacts from prolonged EMF exposure.


Ionising vs Non-Ionising Radiation,
EMFs are a form of non-ionising radiation which refers to radiative energy that, instead of producing charged ions when passing through matter (such as radiation from nuclear power stations, X-rays etc) has sufficient energy only for excitation. Nevertheless non-ionising radiation is known to cause biological effects that can be harmful to organisms and the natural environment.

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Why use DataSeek EMF Inspection Services?

Radio Frequency Radiation

  • Cell Towers
  • Wifi routers, Wifi boosters
  • Smart Meters
  • Microwave ovens
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Mobile phones
  • Laptops, Tablets
  • Smart Appliances
  • Security Systems
  • Baby monitors
  • Solar panel monitoring systems
  • Cordless phones
Electric & Magnetic Fields
  • Powerlines
  • House electrical wiring
  • Electrical appliances
  • Induction cooktops
  • Electrical switchboards
  • Solar micro inverters
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